COR•REC Account Payable Schedule Service

The Account Payable Schedule service provides read-only access to Account Payable Schedules. This service includes two actions from CorrecServiceNotify_I.GET.

Service Name: Account Payable Schedule Service

Service ID:

Collaboration Method Keys:
    public static final Integer ALL = "-1";
    public static final Integer EXPENSE = "0";
    public static final Integer LIABILITY = "1";
    public static final String STRING = "String";
    public static final Long LONG = "LONG";
    public static final Integer INTEGER = "Integer";
    public static final Boolean BOOLEAN = "Boolean";

Action: CorrecService_I.GET - schedules based on type: ALL, EXPENSE, LIABILITY
    Map:The collaboration map requires the following key/value pair.

*CorrecService_I.INTEGER  value may be ALL, EXPENSE or LIABILITY
Return map - all AP Schedules of the type requested
Name (String) name
ID (Long) schedule unique persisted ID
Action: CorrecService_I.GET - - attributes that make up a single schedule
    Map: The collaboration map requires the following key/value pair.
*CorrecService_I.FIELDS  (Long) schedules unique persisted ID
Return map - Map<String, Map<String, Object>> key = Java Type, value [map_key = field_name], [map_value = field_value]
INTEGER (keys) sub_type
LONG (keys) Category
STRING (keys) Description, Name
BOOLEAN (keys) Default_gls, HasTransactions
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